
I have boldly decided to embark on a Juice Fast journey with my trusty Jack LaLanne juicer. Instead of verbally highlighting my everyday progress (or regress, let's hope not) to all my loved ones. Here lies a journal that will chronicle my everyday struggles and triumphs. Be inspired... or not.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Rollie Pollies on a Log

Here is a yummy twist on the good ol' Ants on a Log. Personally, I am not a fan of raisins but as I was sitting there with my son having an apple snack I asked my son if he would like to try some peanut butter on his apples. He declined because he loves his apples au natural. Peanut butter always reminds me of celery and that always brings me to Ants on a Log but I remembered my tub of freakishly large blueberries that I bought at Raley's and I thought, "Hmmm... I bet those would be good on celery with peanut butter...". Uhhhh... yeah! They were!

My son adding the "rollie pollies"

Friday, June 8, 2012

Vegan Chocolate Pudding

So, I haven't been posting due to... life. Anyway, instead of making this exclusively for juicing because the name of this blog emphasizes ENHANCED not EXCLUSIVELY and also since I haven't been tracking it. I'll throw in some healthy recipes that I have been making at home for me and my family. As far as juicing goes, I still juice daily but as a supplement. I still eat food.

Anyway, on to the point of this post... Vegan Chocolate Pudding. The term "vegan", I have heard, encompasses many things. Such as raw, unprocessed, organic, and non-animal derived. Whatever. To me it means absolutely no animal products. No lacto-, ovo- crap. I'm not a vegan by any means, I have just been working on reducing my animal product intake, as well as my family's. This recipe was inspired by a class presentation while I was in college and I have been making it for my family often.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 4 - 1 lb gained

The consequences of eating. I swear this is what would make someone become anorexic. Don't worry... Not me. I love food way too much.
Today I got my juice ready for the next day....
12 leaves of kale, about one bunch
1 whole bunch of celery
2 whole cucumbers
4 golden delicious apples
5 medium sized carrots
1 good sized price of ginger
1 whole lemon peeled with some pith remaining

That made about 64 fl oz which is 8 cups.

Cost me about $7... You gotta love living in the agricultural center of the world

Day 3 - 0 lbs lost

I juiced once today and that's because I wasn't home to juice and I don't have one of those nifty batteries that you can put in the trunk of your car so you can juice on the go.

I need to work on juicing my stuff the night before...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 2 - 1 lb Lost

Slowly but surely...

I'm not complaining. This juicing thing is a lot easier after you've gotten past those first couple of days. Today I juiced as well as have my dinner. We were STARVING by dinner time because we were working on weeding the backyard all day in that hot weather! Not to mention being on edge because all the wasps are out and about.

Day ONE - Check!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 1 - I am HEALED!

So, I can walk on my ankle again and I am officially back on the Juice Fast! Woo hoo! I honestly couldn't wait to get back on it! During my hiatus, I have only gained 4 pounds. I was expecting a lot more but the week-long fast totally changed my appetite and I haven't been craving the "no-no" foods.

Okay, so I'm back on... stay tuned...

Friday, April 13, 2012

Day 8 - 1 lb Lost

Bad news, I rolled my ankle badly last night as I was going down the stairs with my son. I misjudged what step I was on and before I knew it, my heel slips off the last step and I land on my ankle. It happened so fast that I don't even remember what happened to the child that was in my arms. When I recovered from the shock and the pain set in, my son was at my side asking me if I was okay. With the help of my significant other and my sister, I hobbled over to the couch, elevated my ankle, and I was there for the rest of the night. I wanted to go downstairs to get my nail polish so I could put them away. Well, they're still down there.

I have decided to pause this diet and concentrate on getting my ankle back to normal. That means, eating balanced meals that include protein to help heal my muscles and ligaments that have been strained.

I will still be juicing and updating. Stay tuned for some Juicy Recipes!