
I have boldly decided to embark on a Juice Fast journey with my trusty Jack LaLanne juicer. Instead of verbally highlighting my everyday progress (or regress, let's hope not) to all my loved ones. Here lies a journal that will chronicle my everyday struggles and triumphs. Be inspired... or not.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 2 - 6 lbs Lost

When I woke up the next morning, I actually felt "lighter". So, I hopped onto the scale and it read that I was down 6 pounds. That can't be right. So, I hopped onto another scale in the house and two scales can't be broken. Explanation? Water weight. That's all that is. I'm not stupid. If I ate my normal food I would gain all that back in one sitting.

Today wasn't so bad. I barely thought about food but then we went to Costco. And what's there? Samples, and lots of it. As a starving student, I would often go to Costco on it's busiest days and get full off of samples. When they're busy, they can't tell if you've already had one helping! Not one of my proudest moments. Anyway, we fed our 3 year-old son the samples and we would ask him how it tasted. "Yummy!" would be his response. Yummy, indeed. I could only imagine... because I'm juicing. We went home and juiced right away because we were starting to get grumpy from hunger.

Easter is tomorrow. We decided to go ahead and eat with the family. We figured since we're not that far into our fast it couldn't do much damage. I guess we will find out...

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