
I have boldly decided to embark on a Juice Fast journey with my trusty Jack LaLanne juicer. Instead of verbally highlighting my everyday progress (or regress, let's hope not) to all my loved ones. Here lies a journal that will chronicle my everyday struggles and triumphs. Be inspired... or not.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 5 - 4 lbs lost

Total: 10 pounds

That's right. FOUR pounds. How? I don't know. Juicing, I guess. How's the other one doing? He lost SIX. Over night? I don't get it! It's not like we incorporate any sort of physical activity into our daily routine! I'm not complaining, don't get me wrong, but I majored in this. Nutrition shouldn't baffle me! I will have an answer to this... eventually.

I want to talk about something personal. I want to talk about going NUMBER 2 and the lack there of. I should have Googled "juice fast complaints" because then I wouldn't be questioning why I haven't gone in about 4 days. I honestly anticipated the bathroom horror but it never came. So, be warned, if you want to try this, be prepared to take some herbal laxatives to help move it along.

As for today, it was torture. I sorely miss the act of putting food in my mouth, tasting it, chewing it, and then swallowing to make my belly happy. You don't understand. I love love love food. It's the whole reason why I wanted to make a career out of it but I understand that this pain is a comfort thing. I just don't want to think about it anymore! For some reason, I really wanted some garlic fried chicken and I don't normally crave for that. Ah well, the day's almost over. Score one for me because it was successful!

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