
I have boldly decided to embark on a Juice Fast journey with my trusty Jack LaLanne juicer. Instead of verbally highlighting my everyday progress (or regress, let's hope not) to all my loved ones. Here lies a journal that will chronicle my everyday struggles and triumphs. Be inspired... or not.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Day 7 - 0 lbs Lost

Total: 12

That's okay. I was bad last night. I had some fish filet with salad. The outcome? Since the second day, I have had this unbelievable energy and this morning, I was so groggy, lazy, and I didn't want to get up. That is what I get for cheating. I was so confident in the juicing thing that I didn't remember, the juice alone won't help me lost weight. I need to be strong and remember why I'm doing this. To get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.

Some good news, I was able to relieve some complaints that I had yesterday. Specifically the bathroom issue. I made a carrot, beet, & apple juice last night and it helped wonders.

By the time I remembered to take a picture I already put 5 carrots through the juicer. 

I have never had a fresh beet before and this was the first time I peeled on. Man, is that stuff saturated! It stained my hand for about a day but it did add some sweet color to my juice and a little sweetness. What else it added was the taste of roots which I didn't mind too much.

This made about 12 fl oz of juice...

Constipation juice 
5 carrots
1 beet
1 apple
half a lemon

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